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Sacramental Prep

We teach the treasures of our Catholic Faith.



The Coordinator of Religious Education, Lisa Baumann, is available to answer any questions regarding these sacred events.

Contact Lisa Baumann at 419-535-7672 or email her.




Normally celebrated on Sunday at one of the regularly scheduled masses, except during Lent, unless circumstances suggest otherwise. Preparation program for new parents is required. preparing for the baptism of their first child need to attend one class prior to the child’s baptism.



Adult Baptism


 On Holy Saturday, during the Easter Vigil Service. A formational program (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults R.C.I.A.) helps prepare candidates. Also at the Easter Vigil newly baptized persons are confirmed and receive the Eucharist for the first time. 





First Holy Communion


Children wishing to make their first Holy Communion present their petition for reception of the sacrament at the designated Mass on the First Sunday of Lent.   First Holy Communion is celebrated as soon as possible following Easter. 





The sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated at a date chosen by the Bishop.  Students who wish to be confirmed must be either enrolled in Grade 8 of St. Pius X School or the St. Pius X Parish School of Religion or in another Catholic Grade 8 class. Candidates must demonstrate a regular (one full year at a minimum) Mass attendance in order to be confirmed.  Candidates for Confirmation present their petitions for Confirmation on the first Sunday in February, the Feast of the Presentation, or, as it is sometimes called, Candlemas Day.




First Reconciliation


This is celebrated during the penitential season of Lent. All children preparing to receive First Holy Communion both from the St. Pius X Grade School and CCD are prepared for this event.




Reconciliation (Confessions)


Individually celebrated on Saturday at 3:00 at Gesu and Thursdays at 5:00 at St. Pius X.

Communally celebrated in Advent.




Anointing of the Sick


Individually upon request

Communally at a designated weekend Mass.






Minimum six-month notice is required. Full preparation program required.




Holy Orders


We join in joy with the Diocese of Toledo and the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in celebrating all ordinations.




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