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Liturgical Ministries

These ministries allow you to follow your calling to serve others in our community.

Please consider signing up for any of our church ministries!

Please call our Parish Office or Click HERE to sign up.




Altar Servers


Servers (4th grade –12th grade) represent the people of God at the altar by leading processions, preparing the altar for liturgy, and providing for the good order of the celebration. Training is provided. Parental support is much needed when a young person decides to become an Altar Server.




Eucharistic Ministers


The Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest by distributing the Holy Eucharist during the liturgy to the assembly.  These ministers also have the opportunity to visit and take Communion to the sick and or shut-ins on a regular basis. Visits are made to private homes, nursing homes and hospitals.   






Parishioners involved in the ministry of proclaiming the Word of God at parish liturgies. Individuals are scheduled on a regular weekend basis.




Liturgical Environment


Planning and coordinating seasonal church environment.




Music Ministry


  • The choir welcomes children in middle and high school, and adults.  The choir commitment is from September to the end of May every year, practice on Thursdays in church at 6:30-8:00pm and singing on Sundays at the 8:00am Mass. They also sing for First Communion and Confirmation Masses, Christmas and the Easter Triduum. If you need a weekend off for work or a family gathering, no problem!  High school age children who join will receive service hours for the year of participation. 

  • The ministerial role of the cantor is to lead the assembly’s sung prayer during the Responsorial Psalm and throughout the liturgy. Cantors rehearse on an individual basis.  

  • The Resurrection Choir provides musical support and concern for bereaved families and friends by leading the singing at funerals. Membership is always open. 

Contact Kim Grajczyk at 419-450-4270 or email her.





These ministers of hospitality welcome and assist people arriving for Mass. 




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